
Short Biography of Nazar Mohammad Mutmaeen

Short Biography of Nazar Mohammad Mutmaeen

Nazar Muhammad Mutameen is an independent writer, analyst, author and peace activist. He regularly contributes to Afghan media and appears on national and international TV channels and talks shows to comment on current affairs on a host of issues, such as peace process, conflict and Taliban.
Mutmaeen was born in Helmand province, in southern Afghanistan in 1973. He went to school in Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan and studied civil engineering in Kabul University.
He has held various positions in the government, such as head of the Radio Television Directorate in Nangahar and later in Helmand as a director of information and cultural directorate as well as chief editor of a renowned magazine, Kitab. He has also worked with international organizations and NGOs, including UN, as a senior engineer and manager of construction and development projects.
He has authored several books in Pashto, which are yet to be published:
A glance at the Communists, Mujahideen, Taleban and Hamid Karzai’s eras
Afghan Mujahideen factions and the problem of successors to their leaders
And three collections of political commentary and articles published all over the past two decades



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