
A Glance at the cause of failure of two Decades US Occupation of Afghanistan

The role of two classmates- Ashraf Ghani & Zalmay Khalilzad in manipulating the transfer of power to their tribal terror factions.


The outcome of US installed governments in Afghanistan:  Based on evidence there have been external and internal factors involved in the collapse of the US-installed governments in Afghanistan. The internal factors are clipped to the corrupt regimes, incompetent rulers directed by foreign intelligence agencies, seeking their interests. The presence of the US and its allies in Afghanistan, as expressed now and then, was not primarily for construction and nation-building in Afghanistan but for their strategic geopolitical and geo-economic objectives.  Eradication of terrorists and their heaven was honking as the major motive for invading and occupation of Afghanistan.

Zalmay Khalilzad, American especial envoy for Afghanistan, a failed envoy embarrassing the US administration in supporting and favouring, on his ethnic and tribal affiliation, two incompetent Presidents Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani.  Ashraf Ghani after the 9/11 incident, he returned to Kabul to be appointed senior adviser to the newly appointed President Hamid Karzai. He was a president behind the scenes according to most Afghan analysts because he was in working as the coordinator of all foreign aids for the so-called rehabilitation of Afghanistan. He served as Afghanistan’s finance minister in 2002, but because of a lot of embezzlement, disagreeing with Karzai, resigned in 2004 and become the rector of Kabul University. In 2009, Ghani ran for presidential position of Afghanistan but ranked fourth in row with about 4 per cent of the vote.

In a situation where Karzai could not run for a third term under Afghanistan’s constitution, Ghani launched his second election campaign in 2014. He became president in a rig election in 2019


Ghani’s presidency internal rift. His presidency was marked by internal strife, especially with his main rival, Abdullah Abdullah, in the 2014 and 2019 elections. In 2014, in an election with widespread fraud, the United Nations was to arrange a hasty recount; But when that failed, then-Secretary of State John Kerry acted as a mediator in the division of power; Arrangements that were tense and divisive.

In the 2019 elections, the election commission declared Mohammad Ashraf Ghani the winner, but Abdullah Abdullah did not accept the result and declared himself the winner. Then both held inauguration ceremonies. Abdullah claimed that the election was rigged in favour of Ghani, otherwise, he would either have gone to the second round or he would have won the election. Finally, five months later, with the mediation of the United States and Hamid Karzai, an agreement was signed between the two political rivals and the controversy ended.

During his presidency, Ghani succeeded in appointing a new generation of educated Afghan youth to senior positions when Afghanistan’s power corridors were in the hands of a handful of elites. But his big promises to fight widespread government corruption, reform the economy and turn the country into a trading hub between Central and South Asia never materialized. He was deeply involved in the corruption with his team of three people taking hostages to the whole population.

 Conflict between the Ghaljai Pashtuns and the Durrani Pashtuns:

 In the last few years of Ashraf Ghani’s rule, the conflict between the Ghaljai Pashtuns and the Durrani Pashtuns has become more public.  According to observers, the conflict between Karzai and Ashraf Ghani, in fact was the fierce ethnic struggle for power, and despite Ghani coming to the presidency with Karzai support.  Karzai later sought to oust Ghani. The plan to form a transitional government led by Hamid Karzai also stemmed from the conflict between powerful Pashtun tribes in Afghanistan, some analysts believe. The two powerful tribes, the Durrani and the Ghaljai have long competed, and their efforts to seize power are part of Afghanistan’s political history.

To find a strong sponsor, the Ghaljais approached Pakistan, which is more aligned with them because most of the ISI high ranking officials including Emran Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, also is a Ghaljai Pashtun. The Durrani politicians approached Qatar, given the country’s wealth as nowadays in the circle of political transactions, Qatar has played tangible roles in the political equations of the region.

Tribal conflict between Ghani and Karzai: What occupied the two tribes in the conflict between Ghani and Karzai until yesterday, today is going on between a person who calls himself the caliph (Sirajuddin Haqqani) – Ghaljai and Haibatullah – Durrani. If Haibatullah is alive and finally appears in front of the news cameras, this shoulder-to-shoulder competition will continue with more intensity. And if it is proved that he is not alive, Mullah Baradar (from Kandahar) will become emir. He has also disappeared; rumour says that he was either killed or imprisoned by ISI in Pakistan. There was a harsh dispute over the distribution of power in the palace between the two militant factions of the Taliban.  Kabul, or the capital, is in the hands of the Haqqani. The political cadre of the Haqqani network is made up of terrorists who have been released from prison and have the support of Pakistan.

Most of the terrorist operations have been carried out by the Haqqani group, and the war against the United States was ordered and carried out by the same Haqqani Taliban group. He is currently on UN most wanted terrorist’s blacklist.

Pervez Musharraf the former Pakistani president was calling the Haqqani group, Haqqani group is their hero. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the leader of Hezbe- Islami, bombarded Kabul city at the time of Professor presidency, launching hundreds of rockets per day indiscriminatingly, because of which around 75- 100 thousand residence of Kabul were killed maimed and handicapped. He was also said by the Pakistani, ISI chief, “Gulbuddin is a more absolute Pakistani than us. “

Sirajuddin Haqqani, one of the known terrorists, is the deputy of Mullah Haibatullah. Who can believe the United States is not aware of the history of the evils and terror actions of these people? The US is aware of the crimes they committed in Kabul.

Therefore, it can be said that the leadership of the Taliban is also heavily involved in ethnic and tribal conflicts between the Durrani and Ghaljaie, and this tension can cause the Taliban to face increasing internal challenges and differences; Especially since there is no conclusive evidence that Mullah Haibatullah is alive or dead. According to some reports, he was shot dead in 2019, in Quetta of Pakistan. He was very opposed to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, nicknamed as a “rocket launcher”.


Traditional struggle for absolute power evident as before: Given this situation, regardless of the unrest and aftershocks of the hasty withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and the security threats facing the people of Afghanistan, especially the people of Panjshir, it seems that the big terrorist groups are gradually preparing to rely on absolute power in Afghanistan. They (Sirajuddin Haqqani terror group) the dominant ruling one, occupying the Kabul Palace, is trying hang on the position of “caliphate” and transfer power completely from the Durrani dynasty to Ghaljai. That is why Sirajuddin Haqqani’s supporters have been calling him the “caliph” for some time now, paving the way for him to become the leader of the Taliban.

There are many other factions aligned with the Haqqani group due to ethnicity and tribal affiliation such as Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, for PDPA member (Shahnawaz Tanai- who failed in this coup against President Dr Najib and surrendered to the ISI of Pakistan with the help of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar), former Afghan Millat (political party with a chauvinistic notion) and other Mujahidin parties affiliated to the Pashtun tribes, favouring the Taliban militants.

The chronology of the events of the past two weeks in Afghanistan and the untimely escape of Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai tells us that he transferred power to his people, the Paktia province Ghaljai, and that was the reason why he did not resign. By colluding with the leaders of his people, he made a historic move and, by betraying the people and deceiving the government, paved the way for the transfer of power to his tribe. But those who remained in the presidential palace (members of the Presidential Guard) said, “out of fear we only had enough time to change our clothes, lay down our weapons and flee.” However, Ashraf Ghani had preparation for such an unexpected move for the last two years based on undeniable evidence.

  • Betrayal’s treason and nepotism: The contemporary history of Afghanistan is full of betrayals, lies and immoralities that will hinder the development of this country for years as it did in past. Ashraf Ghani may have done something, in his narrow-minded vision, for his tribe, but bearing in mind that his tribe makes up a very small proportion of the population in the multinational society. It is likely that many unexpected things will occur in the future opposite to what Ashraf Ghani, the national traitor, was hallucinating.

According to Fars news agency, Ashraf Ghani’s attempt to flee Afghanistan under the pretext of preventing bloodshed in the most difficult conditions in the country has made him even more unpopular since he was in power, and various segments of the Afghan people and even some government officials have called for his trial for being guilty of treason.

  • Corruption: The Ghani government, which came to power with the claim of eradicating deep-rooted government corruption in Afghanistan and rebuilding the country, fell victim to the same corruption, and the bitter irony is that he reportedly left Kabul airport with unknown luggage of dollars for an unknown destination. Passively witnessed the collapse of his government, which in the last years of his presidency was first abandoned by negotiations between Washington and the Taliban, which paved the way for the re-emergence of the Taliban in the country and the withdrawal of the United States. The release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners was pressured to pave the way for inter-Afghan peace talks, the results of which never materialized.
  • Breeding terrorists in the prisons of Afghanistan; The Taliban were kept in prisons comfortably all necessary facilities such as good food, physical exercise facilities and gyms were provided for them. The people who were alleged of trivial sins were put in gaols with the Taliban to be converted to the Taliban extremist Islamic ideologies.
  • Military force tied up not to operate: The national army were not allowed to target the Taliban, when the army were surrendered no air or ground combat, or logistic supply were proved for them. As a result, they were captured, detained, or shot dead.
  • Professional combat forces sacked or retired. The experienced professional military officers were either sacked or were forced to retire at young age.
  • Nepotism: At the head of key combat and military divisions were the commanders who had ethnic and tribal affiliation with Taliban linguistically and ethnically were assigned, mostly from Lobar province or Ghani’s Ahmadzai clan.
  • Secret deal of Ghani with Haqqani Taliban during election as a result he could secure in forged election. Equipping the Taliban group from within the ranks of army was seen many times during the military operation.

The Taliban also considered Ghani an “untouchable” because of his background and actions and refused to side with him. He no longer had much leverage in the final months of his life at the presidential palace, trying to change that view with critical television speeches, but this did not have much effect on improving his image.

The 75-year-old Afghan- American president, who has been described as “lunatic”, “obsessive”, “imaginative”, “wool gatherer” “unrealistic” “gabber”, “ethnocentric”, “nepotist” claimed in an interview with the US television channel PBS about four months ago that had been posted on social media in recent days after his escape. He was claiming, he did not give up. He was also blaming former King Amanullah Khan for fleeing the country.  Amanullah Kan who was able to relinquish its protected state status and proclaimed independence to pursue an independent foreign policy free from the influence of Great Britain.


Ashraf Ghani said in that interview: “I am the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, I will not leave my people, I will not leave my forces, I am ready to die for my country.” What a coward egoist.

“He was a micro-director,” American George Packer told National Radio. He had a terrible mood. He shunned all those in power who needed him. In a way, he was running a country that was in his mind. He was so self-confident and so isolated in his pride and talent that he could never take the country with him. He could never run the country he had in mind, and in the end, he was alone.”

Secret deal of Ashraf Ghani in submitting districts and provinces to the Taliban. Ghani was pretending that he was equipping the national uprising and preparing to push back the Taliban but was for weeks withdrawing the national army and let the Taliban occupy the areas without any resistance. During that time, he made no public statements about the developments and did not attend any news conferences.

He praised Afghan security forces in a short video on Saturday, August 14, a day before the Taliban took control of Kabul, as provinces were being taken over one by one due to a lack of resistance from the army and security forces. They had the necessary determination to win. But as everyone waited for his resignation to be announced, he said, there were extensive consultations within the government with the Afghan elders and political leaders, representatives of various segments of the Afghan people and international partners on the developments.

His remarks came a day after the media reported his escape, while Kabul was under siege by the Taliban. With Ghani leaving Kabul, Taliban forces entered the capital Kabul without any clashes and took control of the entire country.

According to Kabul News, before fleeing, Ashraf Ghani had instructed the Presidential Guard personnel to go to the Ministry of Defence and provide security because he would go there to give a speech. He tricked the guard as well. So, a small number of his troops remained in the palace, he then requested a helicopter and headed to the airport to escape. He was well organised with good preparation. Ashraf Ghani was also said that he carried three cars full of dollars.

Former US President Donald Trump has said that fugitive Afghan President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai has withdrawn $ 200 million from Afghanistan.

Ghani denied that he the withdrawal of dollars from Afghanistan, but according to the evidence in Afghanistan bank he as always is lying.

He was shamelessly claiming that his departure from Kabul did not worsen the situation in Kabul, however, so many people died in two weeks.

Afghan political leaders and observers inside and outside Afghanistan called Ghani’s secret departure shameful and humiliating, saying he had gambled on the collective destiny of millions. Salahuddin Rabbani, leader of the Jamiat-e-Islami Party of Afghanistan, said, “Ghani’s humiliating escape was remarkably similar to the escape of the United States in fleeing Afghanistan.” Leaving in the night and betraying a nation is something we saw a week ago in Bagram, the most important and largest former US military base in Afghanistan,” he added. “If you (the US forces) had taken him with you at that time, it would have been very cheap.”

The role of Zalmay Khalilzad has been disastrous for Afghanistan, disgraceful, and failure for America, if we look closely at his background, Washington’s number one man in Afghanistan.

According to Fars News Agency’s International Group, Zalmay Khalilzad, the US Special Representative for Afghanistan, was one of the key figures in the Trump administration’s agreement with the Taliban, which led to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the group’s re-domination of Afghanistan. But he despite his eminent role and the claim that if only one person can bring peace to Afghanistan, he is himself, in recent days, when the irresponsible US withdrawal from Afghanistan leads to chaos in the country. After the Taliban seized power h Khalilzad has remained dead silent.

There are many questions about the controversial role of this mysterious American diplomat in the recent developments in Afghanistan, who, after more than a year of intense diplomacy, travels to foreign capitals, attends summits of glamorous hotels and lectures in prestigious think tanks. He assured his audience that the Taliban were ready to negotiate a compromise with the Afghan government. In May 2021, he told the House of Foreign Affairs Committee that predictions that the Taliban would quickly overtake Afghan government forces and seize Kabul were unreasonably pessimistic.

According to reports, the fact that many do not know about Khalilzad is that he was a classmate of fugitive Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, and both were involved in a student exchange program that allowed them to experience the West up close for the first time.

Since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1970s, Khalilzad has established important ties with the Washington administration at the time of the Afghan Mujahideen when the US was pursuing a policy of supporting them to prevent the progress of the USSR. The Taliban, founded in 1994 in Pakistan at the time Benazir Bhutto mostly from among the war orphans. He successfully lobbied for the supply of Stinger missiles, which played a key role in the Afghan Mujahideen’s victory over the Soviet Union.

Khalilzad continued to work under Wolfowitz under Bush Sr. and during the first Gulf War. Under the Clinton administration, he worked at the Rand Institute in Washington, D.C., and returned to public service when George W. Bush took office, managing the Pentagon’s transition team.

After the 9/11 attacks, George W. Bush became the full-fledged defender of the so-called “counter-terrorism” war. He was part of a neoconservative movement that advocated regime change in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran through the military.

In the aftermath of 9/11, he served as US envoy to both Afghanistan and Iraq, influencing the US-led government in Afghanistan, from overseeing the country’s constitution to establishing a presidential system.

The Trump administration named Khalilzad in 2018 as its special envoy to oversee negotiations with the Taliban. He seemed to be a good choice for the plan, which was to pull the United States out of the quagmire of the Afghan war, as he had formed successive governments in Afghanistan and Iraq in the wake of successive US attacks and in bringing different groups.

To be continued …


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