
Afghanistan, The Homeland of Tragedies!



Afghanistan, The Homeland of Tragedies!

Afghanistan had gotten its cosmopolitan popularity among all over countries of the world and even the people who had never heard the name of it, became familiarized by weird tragedy news reports happening inside that. Days are passing and the people are lowering their future positive living perspectives to have an organized & headed to develop country.
Afghans are displaced in the ground and they are confused what way to choose without tolerance and suffering miseries, when they are getting ready to seek cure for their pains outside of the country (Immigration), the foreign people are appreciating them with anger and criticize or even insulting them by reciting bad words.
People were really disappointed of Hamid Karzia’s 13 year sovereignty (Ex-President of Afghanistan for (2) five years presidential management terms and (1) one year transitional government) especially on that periods when president Karzia was behaving friendly with TBs and calling them as his brothers.
The most precious achievement of Karzai was his foreign policy which was attracting international societies to come and have an overlook and outlook from Afghanistan as a philanthropic countries that they were all putting it in their slogans.
People were appreciated several times with the donations provided by the rich foreign organizations, schools were being supported by many different facility preparing, encouraging programs for the students of the schools, Medical trainings, ANSF training and equipping……! And the background of employment was much better than nowadays unwilling situation. 
With no doubt, we must not ignore some negligences done by some departments of the ministries that made Afghanistan as a well-known country all over the world  such as; Administrative Corruptions, Acting Administrators unawareness, Having no prevention from eradication of Poppy and having no Precautionary measure for the students who are graduating from schools and attaining university and after four or five years, when he/she receive his/her BA Degree, the governmental high ranking officials and authorities are responsible for providing working facilities for him/her.
Beside the issues mentioned above, if we compare that term of intentionally lost chances with the current governing method, that was as much valuable as to be delivered the flowers for increasing someone's jubalance and people are hoping that hatred government back to govern them and they will suffer all the bitter flavor of that without any shown feeling. 
From the day that the people participated in free and fair Presidential Election of Afghanistan to choose Ghani or Abdullah as their president till now, now one have seen with optimistic vision on the future of Afghanistan, it was cleared by the people who had cut the voted fingers of the voter in western provinces of Afghanistan and those people who were beheaded on crime of participating elections.
Sometimes, people are convincing themselves that they should bear the difficulties and wait for a soften and shiny weather behind the ugly cloud, but the governmental officials are losing their motive and seeking the ways how to seek resident ship for them and for their families outside of the country. 
If the governmental organs are not losing marbles, how it is possible for a squad of the military forces not to be able to stand against four or five TBs?! How it is possible for a province to be defeated without any fighting within one day and releasing of 700 TBs for the Prison with any military resistance and body casualties?!
To Shorten, I would like to ask international societies to pay their attention back in Afghanistan and to look over all those achievements and constructional works that they did for the sense of humanity in Afghanistan. If you really thinking on humanity, please refer to the conclusions which really suits on solving Afghan peoples’ problems no matter if you act based on your assigned, allocated and pre planned policy or having any other deceiving methods of suppressing challenges and rising turmoil in Afghanistan 
With regards
Gul Rahman Faraz


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