
The China and Taliban talks; is it the government success?

China and Taliban didn’t confirm officialy the visit and talks, Pakistani media reported meeting between Taliban and Chinese officials.
Taliban can to meet with Chinese officials before 2009, on that time the ministry of Mines announced the bid of the Ayank copper mine, lastly the contract awarded to Chines company, America request the detail of meeting, China can’t refuse it, America had proof of the meeting, the America Afghan spay participated on that meeting, and the meeting minutes was already presented to America.  
During the Taliban government, the leader of Taliban Mullah Mohammad Umar meet with the Chinese official delegation and discussed several issues, particularly the long ago relation and Silk Road business between Afghanistan and China
The Taliban representative political office in Qatar, the members of office, during last 3 years can to meet with representatives of the different countries.
Taliban dislike to announce their activities in advanced time, like the Afghan government HPC, Ex- President Karzi and president Ghani did and doing, empty and too much talks, no practical action and achievement, but in past Taliban announced, when they achieve the purpose.
Taliban can to have secret meeting with German and other officials in Germany a few days before of Bunn II, Afghan government didn’t know about it.
Taliban participate in International conferences in Japan and France, and they presented their ideas, demands and policy to America, UN, related parties and organizations.
Invitation of the Taliban by China and met with Chinese officials, it is the Taliban success, if Afghan government knew about that, the meeting might be sabotaged by Afghan government. Same like President Karzai sabotaged the Turkmenistan peace conference, Karzai don’t want to participate the Taliban representatives in Turkmenistan peace conference, because Taliban had a good achievement during the Japan and France conferences.
Such kind visits don’t need the Afghan government consent, the government is too weak, can’t to let or stop China according the talks with Taliban, but can to request something from China only.
Pakistani media reported that China and Taliban met in last November 2014 in China, a month ago, seems Pakistan was not in the picture.
Pakistan and Afghanistan both trying to know about the Taliban missions and meetings with other countries, seems Taliban successor to have such kind a meeting with different countries in the absence of Pakistan and Afghanistan representatives, even Pakistan and Afghanistan were and are not in the picture regarding the Taliban meetings.
Pakistan is angry due to losing of their credit, several times Pakistani officials stated that they can to present Taliban for peace and have influence and control on Taliban.
Afghan government is angry, and thinking; such kind invitation is the Taliban importance and given value to Taliban, and it is unofficial recognition of the Taliban.
Regarding the China and Taliban meeting and talks in China; America might be informed by China, that China has to invite Taliban, and seems the detail and confidential issues between Taliban and China are not shared with America.
On 28th Oct 2014, Pre-Ghani went to China for 4 days, and on 1st Nov 2014 he had press conference in Kabul, on 27 Dec 2014, Ghani again has a short meeting with President of China. So some politician stated: China invited Taliban according the Pre-Ghani’s demand, and this is the success of the Ghani’s policy, that China met and had talks with Taliban.
As per my understanding, such kind of meeting and missions need at least 3 to 6 months’ prior time, to prepare and share the agenda of meeting, agreeing on the list of the Taliban representatives, preparation the required documents for getting of VISA, VISA issue, exit from Doha and entry to China; still there is sanction on the Taliban trips, need much more time to get clearance for the trip.
If 3 or 6 month ago negotiated the Taliban and China meeting and trip to China, mean it don’t have any relation with the Pre-Ghani’s meeting with Chinese officials and his peace toils.
The Taliban representatives might discussed their tribune, ideas, want to have good relation in the future with China, and particularly the Chinese Uyghur Muslim issue.
Sure, Taliban didn’t meet with China only, they might tried to have the same meetings with the representatives of different countries, and Taliban might tried to have answers to the concerns, several countries still has concerns regarding the Taliban back to Power. The  Same, several countries tried and trying to have meet and have contact with Taliban, and present/share the demand, concerns and policy of their countries with Taliban. Seems Taliban can to limit the concerns of a number of the European and Asian countries.  
As per my understanding, the China and Taliban Talks will not belong to peace negotiation with Afghan government, Taliban stated they will not talk with Afghan government, and signing of BSA close the door of peace and prevent dialog between Taliban and government. If countries, groups or any one force Taliban to have peace talk with Afghan government, they will not convinced to start dialog.
Afghan government will think about the real peace road, means withdraw of the foreigner troops, under any name presence of the foreigner troops preventing the peace process, Afghan government will have revision on the BSA and stop the killing and detain of the Afghans.
Inside and outside of Afghanistan, Afghan scholars requested Taliban to deal directly with international community and have exchange of the positions and ideas, to remove or limit the concerns regarding the Taliban on international and regional level, and answer the raided questions, Afghan politician stated; such kind of meeting is success of the Taliban.

Writer and analyst: Nazar Mohammad Mutmaeen



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