
in Afghanistan Two Campaigns and two Drastic Differences
In the end, the Russian Army left Afghanistan with the escort of Afghan nation and government and the United States Army larcenously escaped Afghanistan during the dark of the night. Who will recompense Afghanistan’s destruction, mass killing of its nation and its unending agony?
Part 1
The art that the tribe-heads have in amplifying the influence of world powers so they can serve them is truly great.
This text is by no means a judgement of history or justification for the Soviet Union or Imperialism. I am in no place for judgement and have no authority in any case. This is only a comparison of the two campaigns.
The history of our country is filled with different kinds of campaigns on our motherland
The differences between these campaigns – all of which are unique, belong to the greenlight given by Kings that were fond of life, power and kingdom to outsiders and the Britain who was theHistorians have found in all sources of exploration and research that the host of these campaign were generally sultans and cowardly kings of a certain lineage. But they also learned the art of justifying those actions so that people would not know what the real story was.
Now that the people are no longer the helpless, illiterate, and uneconomical sheep, who grew up to be poor and illiterate, they know which lineage holds the origin and master key to the stories.
History remembers everything on how the Taliban’s seat and the power was of a certain lineage to declare their service and the puppetry of foreign powers to surpass each other.
But a secret remains unknown, how were the leaders of this lineage able to turn the sources of hostile powers and foreigners in to their affectionate lovers? Throughout the distant past to this day, despite bloody internal strife and open fragmentation, they have begged, and begged to surrender to the world powers and put their guilt on the shoulders of others, or they use them like Mr. Qanooni. All their tricks, if successful, are blessings for both the aggressors and the cruel rulers of the country who are of the certain lineage.
In any case, in this short article, I will discuss the two types of military campaigns in Afghanistan- East and West, to see which military campaigns were seemingly legal, which were illegal, and what were their consequences and benefits to our country and nation.
The campaign of the former Soviet Union
The preparations and formalities for inviting them were based on the repeated demands of legitimate governments led by the late Noor Mohammad Taraki and later the blood thirsty Hafizullah Amin. It has been repeated several times in the fiftieth solar hijri decade and over more than one and a half years, but to this day no one has accepted it.
The Soviet forces entered Afghanistan, roamed, killed, got killed and finally returned to their country. And the meaning of their retreat was not a two-sided uproar but the transformational and destructive internal developments and preconditions that led to the collapse of the former Soviet Union; The government of Afghanistan at that time was under the leadership of the late Dr. Najib and organizations based in Iran and Pakistan.
The presence of the Soviet Union and the launch of the great conspiracy of imperialism under the leadership of the United States and the West, and the rise of Pakistan in the presence of Zia-ul-Haq, were bloody years for our nation. And it will never be forgiven by our nation and is not forgivable.
Here, I do not seek to justify the presence of the Soviets, but rather compare the humanity that Soviet Union of that time in the normal states, as well as the stupidity of the United States in the normal states, and the war that never ended -because it did not wish it to.
In terms of strategy and foresight, there are difference between them, but all in all, both were after their own interests. And sadly, our nation was the one to suffer harmful losses coming from both sides. There are big differences in confrontations of human society, in which the Soviet had the upper hand over United States, which includes the heavy losses to Russia and the United States.
The benefits of Afghan regimes in the presence of the Soviet Union:
First. A strong Afghanistan that could protect itself independently
Second. Strong armed forces, well equipped and effective over country and region

Third. A relatively prosperous country for even the most ordinary families
Fourth. The existence of a clean structure, where 99% of leaders were clean-hearted and had close relationship with the public.
Fifth. Complete security and life without fear and concern of the tyrants and the lawbreakers
Sixth. High level of real and objective accountability to the nation, devoid of manipulative promises
Seventh. The dependence of each person on their own abilities and self-defense and government support for any claims over their rights
Eighth. Self-fear and self-critique of all elements of leaderships from top to bottom in effort to prevent fraudulence to public assets
Ninth. A country filled with many scientific and professional minds and the most number of knowledgeable and united cadres that were honest to their country and notions of serving the nation
Tenth. A country with diverse, strong, disciplined structures, and extensive legal sovereignty Eleventh. A country with unparalleled foreign exchange and gold reserves
Twelfth. A country with countless educated people and restless cadres serving the nation and homeland who were brought up in the international universities of the Eastern Bloc
Thirteenth. A country with relatively prosperous facilities and no need for begging at any level Fourteenth. A country with a high moral model and without moral corruption in all age groups.
Fifteenth. A country with the most transparent, cleanest and most conscientious cadres and without the slightest degree of corruption
Sixteenth. A country with all the basic and continuous systems and resources of life from urban transport to air and freight and cargo
Seventeenth. A country whose citizens enjoyed their access to television, refrigerators, air conditioners, beds, and a variety of health, food, and consumer services. And sometimes families had several of them.
Eighteenth. A country with real equality of officials and nation. Government apartments and residential land could be accessed by any government employee or any deserving person
Nineteenth. A country with complete citizen security and without accidents, where everyone could walk around in the middle of the night; Even women.
Twentieth. A country with little to no crime, theft, kidnapping and espionage
Twenty First. A country with dozens of publications from news and magazines to scientific publishing houses and educational centers
Twenty Second. A country with active and sufficient institutions and structures with production and industrial quality in all fields
Twenty Third. A country with a valuable and stable currency
Twenty Fourth. A country with countless civil and legal infrastructures and various residential, office, professional constructions as well as tangible and quality foundations.

Twenty Fifth. A country with a clean, pure and undefiled judicial, administrative and legal system and prosecutor’s office
Twenty Sixth. A country with airlines that met international norms and were air-conditioned and safe for aviation under the management of the Government of Afghanistan
Twenty Seventh. A free and independent country to perform our religious and Islamic ceremonies and with security maintenance of religious sites
Twenty-Eight. A country devoid of any kind of superiority of individuals and officials over others Twenty Ninth. A country with real universities and education based on internationally accepted standards
Thirtieth. The country to which the Russian army ceded billions of dollars in constructions, housing, medical and professional structures, as well as, tanks, artillery, air and ground combat units.
Thirty First. A country with all the legal rights that a country with defined geography should have
Thirty Second. A country with human election commissions, a House of Representatives and a House of Elders, none of which were thieves, looters, or seditionists, and no one remembers them making any illegal moves
Part 2
The Americans were strictly against the Mujahedeen’s celebrations, and the participation of diplomats in the 8th of Sawr (28th April ceremony).
The history of our country is filled with different kinds of campaigns on our motherland
The differences between these campaigns – all of which are unique, belong to the greenlight given by Kings that were fond of life, power and kingdom to outsiders and the Britain who was the
Historians have found in all sources of exploration and research that the host of these campaign were generally sultans and cowardly kings of a certain lineage. But they also learned the art of justifying those actions so that people would not know what the real story was.
Now that the people are no longer the helpless, illiterate, and uneconomical sheep, who grew up to be poor and illiterate, they know which lineage holds the origin and master key to the stories.
History remembers everything on how the Taliban’s seat and the power was of a certain lineage to declare their service and the puppetry of foreign powers to surpass each other.
But a secret remains unknown, how were the leaders of this lineage able to turn the sources of hostile powers and foreigners in to their affectionate lovers? Throughout the distant past to this day, despite bloody internal strife and open fragmentation, they have begged, and begged to surrender to the world powers and put their guilt on the shoulders of others, or they use them like Mr. Qanooni.
In any case, in this short article, I will discuss the two types of military campaigns in Afghanistan- East and West, to see which military campaigns were seemingly legal, which were illegal, and what were their consequences and benefits to our country and nation.

There is no reason to say that everything that happened during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan could make up for the failure, but the important point is to at least rationally look at the differences. In the age of human civilization and modernity today, why did Afghanistan and its rulers not only destroy the glory of the country’s former millennia, they themselves paved the way for the invasion of this existing framework of forced geography and like a piece of bread from a bakery, their fathers did whatever it took to bring them to power.
The modern civilizations of those times, had created perfect opportunities for growth in cultural, urban, economical, structural, army building, and logical geographical expansion, landscapes; and the raising of scholars like Ibn Sina, Faraabi, Mawlana, Sanayi Ghaznavi, Hakim Nasir, Khesraw Balkhi, Hakim Nasir, and hundreds of famous personalities of war and literature.
If we take a look at their veterans among the rulers of this land in the last three decades, who can be a symbol of the rational and humane function of the emirates and monarchies?
The magic beads of the tribal heads:
The most important trick of kings, sultans, and tribal rulers other than Ahmad Shah Durrani (who himself was once a horseman and commander of the guards of the Khorasanis and Persians) is to blame all their actions and deeds on others.
And they enjoy themselves. They never had better deeds but the worse of them continue to this day.
After seventh of Sawr of 1357 (27th April, 1978), when comrade Noor Mohammad Taraki feared Hafizullah Amin and the resistances that had not taken place yet; There were a number of recurring requests for sending a limited number of forces from the Soviet Union and Amin was the main actor behind the scenes.
Hafizullah Amin, a work-hard student of US intelligence agencies, was apparently an ally of the Eastern Bloc, but was actually the destructive and powerful pawn of the Western bloc in Afghanistan’s new system and politics.
Although he pretended to love the Russian propaganda and sometimes acted as a double agent, he did a good job of convincing the Russians to go to war in Afghanistan, which was one of the main goals and prospects for US retaliation for their defeat in Vietnam.
The important point is that, he was able to place the blame for the Soviet presence on the late Comrade Karmal and the party flag wing after his death. A trick that was complete and effective, and despite the existence of hundreds of types of evidence, the public mentality still does not accept the truth. It was both, a political failure and a major intelligence failure, for both the trapped Soviet Union and our party- which in no way succeeded in counter-propaganda to justify the particular case.
The vigilance of the late Dr. Najib (the man from the particular tribe) after Comrade Karmal was that, he took advantage of the situation that the betrayal of Gorbachev and Yeltsin to the Soviet Union created. This lead to the inevitable withdrawal of the Soviet forces due to the internal destruction that it caused the Soviet Union. So the late Dr. Najib took credit for the withdrawal of the soviets and painted himself as a hero; And only later did it become known that he was a failed leader who in his own words left himself, his family, the nation, his children, the honest army of the party along with its leader, to the Amu River and it is now that the insatiable sharks of human flesh in the sea of imperialism that have no satiety.

Achievements of US and Western post-war regimes:
1. Air strike without the consent of the UN-recognized government of Afghanistan (Very late; They did not have a farsighted plan. After their defeat in ground operations. Inevitably they, tactically and purposefully united with the national resistance front.)
2. The onset of casualties as well as financial and human destruction as a result of aimless and aimful bombardments throughout the country.
3. Not investigating the affected neighborhoods and families for appeasement and cooperation in reconstruction of people’s ruins after the occupation of the country.
4. The deliberate neglect of pursuing and defeating the multi-national Taliban, to their last strongholds and hideouts, around and beyond the eastern and south-eastern borders of the country that spans in kilometers; And specially, the border tribes inside Pakistan.
5. The immediate disbandment of the national forces that had survived the resistance.
6. Deceptive disarmament of major power centers from northern Kabul to all areas of resistance in
7. The instrumental use of powerful military individuals and commanders who were inexperienced
politically and to the tricks of intelligence players.
8. Disarm all armed forces of the resistance throughout the country called DDR.
9. I was a member of the government commission for collecting weapons. One of my weapon was
not collected in accordance to the proposed goals and opinions of the members of the commission. And gun destroyers were everywhere, scattering that Kalashnikov rifle in hundreds of pieces in less than twenty to thirty seconds.
10. A deliberate plan for destroying all the heavy and light weaponry including, tanks, armored vehicles, different durable aerial vehicles, new and plenty, and even the so-called Russian military lubrication of the armed forces under the name of armaments.
11. The visual, exposed, legal and proud investigation of the 10th article with the creation of the intended organization of the interim administration.
12. The irrational ethnic quotas plan for the armed forces, the ministries and all government departments of the country, which never gave the desired result as they did not really want it to succeed either.
13. The start of the process of rebuilding the national army and establishing a government commission under the chairmanship of General Atiqullah Baryali, Deputy Minister of Defense, and direct supervision of the presidential palace.
14. I was also a member of that commission. From early morning to the afternoon, frequent meetings and regular provincial trips were the main task of the commission so that the process of reviving the army would be both fast and quality.
15. The unnecessary presence of committee members for indirect supervision. Even though they did not have any rational plans. But their place was beside Mr. Karzai in the presidential palace. Abdul Rahim Wardak was one of the who could not even divide two horse and just all the others but they were America’s Pawns.
16. Marginalizing generals, and knowledgeable pillars of the real wars such as the late Shir Mohammad Khan Karimi, who had long been a regular member of the Army Reconstruction Commission. But all the pressure of professional work, especially the English translation of notes related to the army’s work, as well as their own work was on them. Mr. Wardak could not be compared at all to these people. So why? The respected general Atiqullah Amarkhail who was a commander and a big name in the air force was a regular member of the commission. Why? The respected, lieutenant general Payenda Mohammad Nizam, lieutenant general Habib Hisari, the

late Muneer Gul, the respected general Jan Khan and others. (You will read more on this in other
parts of my articles with the will of Allah)
17. Explicit American interference in government and military affairs, and even the obstruction of
national occasions.
It was the first program for the celebration of the eighth of Sawr (28th April) – the anniversary of the transfer of power from the previous party and government to the jihadi Organizations. I was a member of the commission for holding the ceremony, and according to the instructions of the members of the commission, they had entrusted the management of direct broadcasting of radio and television broadcasts from the beginning of the preparations until the ceremony to the military broadcasting department. I was seeking advice in the office of the esteemed General Baryalai. The reason why I did not write “seeking instructions” was because, my meeting while taking into consideration the military rights in the organization related to the esteemed General Directorate of National Radio and Television was affiliated with the Ministry of Information and Culture… But I, as a General of the Army, have always and still do respect the leadership of my fellow colleagues, and it was the same in his case. The deputy of the coalition forces (that had not even occupied the country for not even four months, and were not sure of what they were doing) came to Atiqullah Baryalai’s Office. And after greeting him, sat down at the left side of the entrance door with his two companions. The ceremony was supposed to be held in less than ten days, and Mr. Baryali told the General of the Coalition that it was good that they had come… So they could talk about better security maintenance and preparations for the 28th April celebration of mujahedeen. From the discussion of the deputy minister of defense I understood that, they had come as advisors on the outside but apparently were the commanders of Afghanistan on the inside and had blessed us by coming to their new home in their colony without any previous coordination. After translating the words of my Deputy Coalition Forces, I who had witnessed the behavior of the Russians in the past, wondered what stupidity had gotten in to this gentleman. Without any consideration of any etiquette, he openly said that the ceremony should not be held. This surprised Mr. Baryalai and myself. I had my share of experiences in my political school and party and knew quite well about imperialism. I said to myself, colonialism is colonialism and it never changes. It was clear that he wanted to exercise authority. Baryalai Khan was not pleased with what the American gentleman had said and told the translator to tell him that, this is an internal affair of our country and government, we know what know well what should be done. When the general saw how he had put his foot down, instead of respecting the internal affairs of our country, he shamelessly insisted on his demand. Finally, when he saw that it was pointless, he bluntly said, Fine, do not consider the international lodge to the diplomats, no one from the foreign embassies will participate. It was really sad and Mr. Deputy said that it is a decision that still concerns Afghanistan, our permanent camera was in the ministry and our messengers recorded news images and sent the news to the respected Bakhtar agency or dictated by phone. At the end of the meeting, I instructed them not to broadcast the news and not to publish the picture, all I could do was do it.
28th April –Day of the ceremony
The first 28th April ceremony after the Taliban era, without suits and ties and the millennia old backwardness was celebrated with the participation of Mr. Karzai (the Commander who was and is under American orders) who was wearing fashionable Perahan tunban, Chapan and Karakul (all Afghan clothing) and his group. All the responsible teams did their parts, and had made the lodge of ambassadors and diplomats bigger, even more decorative than what we were used to

seeing. In an unprecedented but voluntary act, I controlled the registration devices from the lodge, next to the leadership lodge, and when necessary, I would contact Mr. Abdulkarim Abdullahzadah-the “lock breaker” and the general manager of television and the director through the communication device, from time to time, to help the technical staff.
It was very interesting that by the end of the ceremony, foreign lodges were all empty and only a few military personnel whose count was probably less than ten. The regular American General with the disagreement had fulfilled his promise. I have narrated the explicit intervention and power of imperialism over countries to my friends hundreds of times.
Part 3
Sima Samar Lies:
There is not even a single rough paper mentioning transitional justice
This text is by no means a judgement of history or justification for the Soviet Union or Imperialism. I am in no place for judgement and have no authority in any case. This is only a comparison of the two campaigns.
I was among the candidates considered by the United States for espionage, and I was very fortunate that I escaped and did not fall into the trap, thank God.
Obligatory Note:
Since this section has certain features, some or many people may interpret it as appropriate to their perception. I respect their views, but I never concern myself with what they perceive of me or how they judge me. And I am bound to no one to know what they think. It is important for me to tell the truth in order to have a clear conscience, so sophists can sing whatever they want.
I have made a covenant with myself and my God, I do not accuse anyone, not even myself, and I do not hide any truth, if I know it, and I do not increase or decrease anything. But if anyone has documents against me or against my arguments they can share it with me and the readers.
American War and Psychological Intimidation:
The Americans and their allies acted and continue to follow the entrenched legacy of capitalism and imperialist bullying, following the entwined legacy of violence and wickedness and arrogance.
Although some countries in unison with the United States did no less bad deeds than the Americans in a battlefield called Afghanistan, but they never made a statement of innocence and denied their wrongdoings. Unlike the United States, which has caused the most violence and misery in our country and it still denies the actions of its forces. And even if they fall under a lot of pressure, they prevent the application of justice on itself and its forces and even gives explicit warnings to international courts and prosecutor offices.
In addition, they pressure domestic forces by threatening them and using unique methods of intimidation to prevent structural and transformational measures and even their legal demands. We can see how, simultaneous to the actions of America, the world was caught by surprise in the application of justice. It

was necessary for great researchers in the field of law and political science and the international court, including criminal courts such as Mr. Stez, to discuss scientific issues in this regard.
Here I remind you of a glimpse of an uproar that has not yet fallen finished and are sometimes used as a high pressure point for false wounds. The long ruckus of the use of instruments in the name of the International Criminal court against this or that political figure can heard.
Especially since Arg (The Presidential Palace) and Sapedar (Office of the Chief Executive) are constantly striving for this misuse.
Like their predecessors, they all rely on the demonic external arm this time as well. And Khalilzad is at the center of that conspiracy; using the United States as a means of putting pressure on their political opponents and authoritarian protesters.
A look at the history of this court reveals that all of the one hundred and twenty plus countries signed the Rome Statute and in 1998 the international Criminal Court was established. The United States is the first of seven powerful countries that opposed the establishment of this court, and even until March 2017, it was one of the three countries that did not sign the statute and opposed its establishment.
When the International Criminal Court was established in 2003, it was unable to implement justice as it should under pressure from oppressive powers.
It was in November 2017 that the Criminal Justice Prosecutor sought permission to prosecute some members of the US military and CIA who were accused of torturing 61 people in May 2003 and December 2014, but was unable to do so.
How is it that the United States is helping Afghanistan’s current Arg (Presidential Palace) and using its power to influence the largest international tribunal?
The full statute and terms of action of the International Criminal Court must be carefully read in its entirety with its 90-page appendices and other provisions to understand if the Aeshchi alleged allegation against General Dostum was a conspiracy or was it something else? It was certainly a conspiracy, where is the uncontested evidence and where is the decision of the Afghan courts in this case if there was uncontested evidence? Especially since General Dostum was outside the government, even outside the country at that time. No rational person can accept the possibility of his involvement.
We all know that the process of making any so-called accusations against General Dostum or one of the opponents of the monopoly regime and critics of American politics is a dark continuation. And it is likely, for it to affect anyone and cause political and military paralysis. In these conditions where, the management market is disordered, there is a discriminatory and ethnic cleansing policy and the United States is filling the north with ISIS, such conspiracies help the presidential palace.
Should Hekmatyar, Gulab Mangal (who handed Baghlan to the Taliban- of which, there are documents available), Mr. Gilani (who openly defends Pakistan, and more shameful, he has a portrait picture of Perviz Musharraf-the real destroyer of Afghanistan in his home), Ghani himself and Atmar and Stanikzai (who always pursue the interests of Pakistan with the help of Zakhilwal and spill the blood of our nation by helping the Taliban and now ISIS), the American Army and CIA and Pakistan’s ISI (who are suspects in the international court of justice) be judged in this court; Or, General Dostum and the ones who share his opinions (and only want the justice in equal distribution of power, and the end of the unique authoritarian and ethnic hegemony in the country) and their supporters who make up a large part of the country’s geography?

Political opponents cannot be eliminated in this way. Each of these are great national claimants who have many supporters.
Now, if America wants to portray the international court as a freighting entity, it should do the following. First, sign the statute of this court and believe in it. Second, hand over other suspected American soldiers to that court. Third, to understand the inefficiency of the Arg and Sapedar teams and to end their false support. Fourth, to know that my friend and other prominent forces across the country are not trembling moths bowing to anyone but God. They may engage in deep historical and political conspiracies and be forced to argue and resist.
The actions of a wide range of justice seekers across the country and in the presence of influential figures such as Marshall Dostum, Ata Mohammad Noor, Ustad Mohaqiq, Rahmatullah Nabil, Zahir Qadeer, the somewhat weak brother of General Raziq of Qandahar, Ismail Khan of Herat, and the great force of northern Kabul under the leadership of Lieutenant General Mir Amanullah Guzar, General Baba Jan, and Mir Rahman have deep well-known roots. Even Mr. Ahadi, who was once a supporter of the Arg residents, can be decisisve at any time. And it makes more sense for large organizations made up of the new generation of resistance led by Ahmad Massoud in Panjshir and Latif Pedram in Badakhshan, Homayoun Homayoun in Khost, Lalai. Hameedzai in Kandahar and so on, come together, put aside their differences and shake up the country against America, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. Especially Ata Mohammad Noor and Marshall Dostum.
I will say right now that, the reason behind the baseless criticism of the critics is, we cannot raise our own wishes to undermine the ones who disagree with us, by uttering the obvious and tangible truths which are all fateful parts of our country’s future.
Not a single paper of report has been written about transitional justice:
The cooking of the thousandth pot of transitional justice, with a weak candle is nothing but a fantasy.
I can say with guarantee, certainty and clearly that there is not a single paper written about finding a way for upholding transitional justice except in dialogue. Sima Samar lived the royal life and chose good- looking youngsters to be in the commission about whom I do not know how they got their fame and seats. Anyone who can, should call them to the forefront of the discussion of science and thought. I was the direct interviewer of the TV program with Mr. Naderi, who came to our office. And with prior knowledge from inside of the commission, I asked questions that he did not believe had been leaked to us by the commission. In addition, I, being barely literate, could not find any qualities in the young man that would make him worthy of his part in the Human Rights commission. After my televised argument with Mr. Naderi, information from within the commission informed me that they are seeking revenge on me for challenging Mr. Naderi. From the start, those programs had a critical form. I later entrusted the job to the respected Amin Haqjo- a hardworking young journalist. Haqjo was able to establish the program among the viewers with the management of the respected, Ebad-ul-Karim Abdullahzada, Abdulhwahab Waqif, and a number of youngsters and new colleagues; and named the show, In search of truths. The program was highly effective in revelation. I do not know if it still airs?
I was formally introduced to some the esteemed commissioners of the commission and got to know Mr. Farid Hamid (Former commissioner of the commission) a little more. He had come to my office a few times for interviews. I also knew the deputy of the commission- Mr. Hakim Fahim on a very basic level. I also saw the “Kind-lady” Sima Samar one day when I had gone to the commission and she was in front of Mr. Naderi’s office door for some work
Part of 2 next time

Written by: General Mohammad Osman Najib
Translated from Persian to English by: Mohammad Shaban Najib & Sulaiman Hayat

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