
Unfair Treatment Of Afghan Women

Inequality,discrimination,and unfair treatment of Afghan women at home and their workplace are heartbreaking issues that bring tears to my eyes. Males of Afghan society are more likely the owners of any woman/female( sisters,daughters,wives, etc.) under their care. And such behavior is a sign of men’s insecurity,guilt and doubts about their self efficacy and power over women, and their fellow peers in such loose society.

As I have said on many occasions in my poetry as well in small articles,we are all the victims of war,natural disasters and human destruction ,and naturally as a uncivilized society everyone experiences stress,inequality, suffering,hunger and abuse. 

But unfortunately as history has shown us time and again, women have always been the primary victims of abuse in any community. Women who supposedly are the core of a society have been ignored,tortured,beaten,jailed,raped,stoned, and forced into a marriage without consent.

So do I think the estate of condition and treatment of women will change in a nation that has a broken system of justice for so long? Yes, but not in the near future.

This country that has endured harsh events over the years needs mending. It needs time to heal the deep wounds, to refresh the roots of its culture,and renew the history with better morals,intellectual improvements,human rights education, ethical upbringing and responsible manners so we could resume the efficiency and stability we once had. All people regardless of their gender deserve education on topics such as human rights,self values,respecting one another in a civilized fashion to ,and most of all to teach every child /daughter or son about their self value and the value of women as the core of a society that produce,nurture and raise children for all of us. And finally accepting women as the better half of a healthy society that brings balanced happiness,fairness and equality in order.

Shahla Latifi


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