Entirety Of Love
Shahla Latifi
I need you
I need your attention
The certainty of your love
To seek out a new life with my presence at night
I need your emotions to wrap me within itself
In the deepest layers of needs
Oh I need you
And my need has no greed
I assure you
I need your passion to justify me as a woman
As a dignified truce
I need you when the sense of darkness hovers over the depth of my soul
I need you for me
For my worrisome thoughts at night
Oh I need you
I need you to take me to the height of your power
I need you like the leaves that bloom on a tree under the sun
Like the stream surrounding a new life
With purity and the essence of love
I need your open arms
At the peak of my illusion
In the darkest moments of my day
I need you as the sun touches the moon for its transaction of light
When the birds awaken
In the sleepy meadow on the mountaintop
I need you as fresh air blows the power of love around nature
I need you on my skin as clean blossoms with the touch of morning dew
I need you
As the time moves from spring to autumn
When wild geese are dancing in the icy lake next to a winter garden
With a touch of an entirety of love
Shahla Latifi
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گزارشات و مصاحبه ها
قاری رحمت الله بنیان گزار گروه داعش و سرکرده گروه طالبان ولایت غورطی یک عملیات نیروهای امنیتی افغان در ولایت فاریاب کشته شد
کارگاه سه روزه آموزش حقوق بشر و حقوق بشردوستانه برای نیروهای امنیتی و دفاعی در ولایت غور
گرامیداشت شانزدهمین سالروز تأسیس کمیسیون مستقل حقوق بشر افغانستان در ولایت غور
امضاء تفاهمنامه نشر برنامه های حقوق بشری با چهار رادیو در ولایت غور