Health And Wellness

Health And Wellness

The Jameghor Charity Organization (JCO) is deeply committed to improving health and wellness in the communities we serve. Our activities in this sector are designed to address critical health needs, promote hygiene, and enhance overall well-being.

One of our key initiatives involves providing essential medical supplies and equipment to underserved clinics in Ghor and Badghis provinces. Over the years, we have delivered a wide range of items, including hospital beds, medical furniture, hygiene products, and mobility aids such as wheelchairs and crutches. This support has significantly improved the capacity of local healthcare facilities to offer quality care to patients.

In addition to supplying medical equipment, JCO places a strong emphasis on health education. We organize awareness campaigns and training sessions focused on disease prevention, proper hygiene practices, and maternal and child health. These educational programs are crucial in empowering community members with the knowledge to take charge of their health and prevent the spread of diseases.

JCO also responds promptly to health emergencies caused by natural disasters. For instance, following the recent floods and earthquakes, we have distributed emergency cash assistance to affected families, enabling them to access medical care and essential supplies. Our rapid response efforts aim to mitigate the immediate health impacts of such disasters and support the long-term recovery of the affected populations.

Our holistic approach to health and wellness not only addresses urgent medical needs but also fosters a culture of health awareness and preventive care. Through these activities, JCO strives to build healthier communities where individuals have the resources and knowledge to lead healthier lives.



The Jameghor Charity Organization (JCO) is deeply committed to improving health and wellness in the communities we serve

The Jameghor Charity Organization (JCO) is deeply committed to improving health and wellness in the communities we serve